Saturday, 21 June 2014

30 Weeks 3 Days

Pre-pregnancy Weight: 55kg
Current Weight 63kg ~ 64kg
Total weight gained so far: 9kg.

Little Chloe kicks A.L.O.T.
Her kicks are strong and getting stronger, feels as if she wants to rip my tummy apart. Sorry darling, I don't blame you cuz I know you're feeling so cramp inside.

67 days to go, (approx 10 weeks), I'm in my 30th Week now.

So far I have not feel baby turning down.
According to source (BabyCentre) baby will gain weight fast. Lungs and digestive tract are nearly mature and she's probably been able to open and shut her eyes. She can see light!

Gaining 450g a week is quite normal during the last three months. 
Now is her final growth spurt before she's born.

I still have 10 weeks to go, means another 4.5kg???

Anyway, some updates.
Next gynae appointment is in two weeks time, and by then if baby still not engaged (head down), then c-section is the next option. I told hubb that I'm ok as long as baby is healthy and born well. I don't wanna risk being in an emergency operation if I insist on natural birth.

Sleep is going fine ever since I changed my position. Now the fan is blowing on my face directly! Unhealthy I know, but I'm too warm to fall asleep.Good days will be me falling asleep before baby wakes up. Her movements kept me awake. But when I'm in sleep, I don't really bother much unless she is partying inside.

 I do not wake up to pee (yet) but my friends that is due in August, are waking up to visit the loo quite frequently. I must say I have a big bladder. Or I might not have drank enough fluid. Any way, things are still fine. 

I started develop one small stretched mark (less than 1 cm la). 
How amazing!

I have really bad appetite. Really bad. I feel pukish again at times, especially to certain food on random basis. Fishy smells turns me off totally and if affected my mood directly and indirectly. I need medicated oil. 

Due to the weather and the increasing weight, and the heat within myself, I am almost getting frustrated with small stuff easily. But I'm still cool. I can control my temper. Just don't feel very good in my heart, but I keep reminding myself that it's due to the weather and I shouldn't express my anger on the people I love.

The weather is killing me!
Nose bleed two days ago. How heaty I am!

Lastly, I still have a long list of items to prepare for baby's arrival.
And my hospital bag ~ ~ ~

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