Wednesday, 30 July 2014

36 Weeks (Appointment)

As THE Day gets nearer, I'm feeling more tense and stressed up. Maybe due to boredom, I'm getting impatience. I whined. A lot.

Today's check up, and again, baby's hand blocking partial of her face. Her round nose is so obvious during the scan. She gained a shocking 800gram just in two weeks!

(Previous weight was 1.9kg, and today 2.6kg!!!)

Doctor says, whatever weight I am gaining now all goes to her directly. So I can eat more, since we have decided to undergo C-section. FYI, baby was in breech position last week and now back to normal. So it's kind dangerous that she keeps turning like that, so we shall not wait any further.

It can be dangerous for baby to be rotating like that as she may get tangled by her own umbilical cord.

We have chosen the earliest possible date, 12th August 2014, which falls on the week 38th of my pregnancy. Nurse will arrange for the operation theater and stuff, if everything is smooth, the operation will start at 9am.

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