Saturday, 12 July 2014


Bump Of The Day 
"That's Awesome"

Meet up with my favorite girl, YUHUI!!!
She was so excited to see my bump, and obviously it grew ALOT! I've gained 12 kg so far and baby is growing well. She felt slight kicks, or rather more like a lump, on my tummy where Baby Lee supports her leg. 

Baby Lee is a good girl today. I manage to eat quite an amount!

We were talking about life and realized how grown up we were now. Shopping no longer mean anything to us and we barely needs anything else. We don't go around buying everything we see anymore. Probably age did some magic, we are moving on to the bigger ticket item, like a house.

Hubbs and I agreed that Yui felt grown up, I wonder if it's the hairstyle or her dress. Or maybe, getting married and signing that piece of paper magically made a person change. Change as in, the heart settled down and we no longer face life alone.

I feel old ever since I got married. I don't know if any one else felt the same, but I see the word "OLD" on my face. Now, having Baby bean in my tummy makes me walk like a grandma, sit like a grandma, sleep like a grandma, and wear like one. 

But, nope I am not regretting my actions. Just feel that life experiences really can make one grow. So before I end my day, Hubbs and I took some Polaroid so that I can punch them into the baby's album for keepsake purpose.

I'm 27th, and Hubb's 33.
We will be real parents in one month's time.

That sums up, and I secretly entered into my 27th year of life, a new beginning, a new form of happiness. I hope Baby Lee will grow up well and healthy! :)

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