Saturday, 9 August 2014

Coming soon... In 2 Days.

Feeling achy all over my tummy. 
Can't differentiate whether if it's contraction or gastric pain.


Wednesday, 30 July 2014

36 Weeks (Appointment)

As THE Day gets nearer, I'm feeling more tense and stressed up. Maybe due to boredom, I'm getting impatience. I whined. A lot.

Today's check up, and again, baby's hand blocking partial of her face. Her round nose is so obvious during the scan. She gained a shocking 800gram just in two weeks!

(Previous weight was 1.9kg, and today 2.6kg!!!)

Doctor says, whatever weight I am gaining now all goes to her directly. So I can eat more, since we have decided to undergo C-section. FYI, baby was in breech position last week and now back to normal. So it's kind dangerous that she keeps turning like that, so we shall not wait any further.

It can be dangerous for baby to be rotating like that as she may get tangled by her own umbilical cord.

We have chosen the earliest possible date, 12th August 2014, which falls on the week 38th of my pregnancy. Nurse will arrange for the operation theater and stuff, if everything is smooth, the operation will start at 9am.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Baby Bump Photos

I refuse to engage a maternity photographer cuz I really don't see a need to spend that few hundred bucks when I have the equipment at home. Hubbs agreed with me and promise to take some pictures for me as a memorial.


(PS: All photos taken by Hubbs!!!)
Look at how much he is perspiring for me !!! *love*

And lastly...

Baby Chloe, see you in three weeks time !!!

Thursday, 17 July 2014


Random photos from previous gaigai session... 

I don't know why but my tummy looks small in photos!!!
(PS: I'm wearing a black shorts)

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

34 Weeks (Appointment)

Depress, depress, depress !
Well, I shall start off with what happened last night!

Baby bean was moving harshly throughout the night. And all her movements were so obvious that it squashed my stomach, intestine and everything inside. I totally feel unwell and whined to hubbs. For the very first time, baby bean moved the whole night. And I didn't, and couldn't, sleep at all. My tummy just keep moving and moving like an octopus trying to escape the fish net.

Hubbs saw all the movements with his own eyes.
And it followed with a sharp pain in my tummy, near belly button area.

So. When morning came, I told hubbs that something is not right. I felt that baby bean has turned through all the movements. Hubbs assured me that everything will be well and we will see the doctor tonight.

For the whole day, I was feeling unwell.
The sharp pain I mentioned earlier remains painful, as if there is a bruise from inside.
It limits my movements since twitching my waist a little hurts too.

And the first thing I saw my gynae, was to complain to him about the sharp pain and I pointed to him the area. Here comes the ultra scan... The first point of contact he made to the tummy was the sharp pain area, and HOLY!!! the head is there.

Baby bean actually squeezed her way through from engaged position, back to upright sitting position. She was snuggling comfortably, back facing the ultra scan camera. Good girl uh!

So, today no photo again since we can only see her brain, and limbs.

I am currently 66.7kg and only gained about 200g since two weeks ago. Baby bean was 1.77kg at 32weeks, and today 1.97kg. Seems like my weight gained has gone to her.

Appetite has gone down especially when she toss and turn like Jackie Chan during my meal time. It makes me feel pukish and I can't finish my food. Plus now her head is headbutting my gastric, it makes things worst. I keep feeling a huge lump supporting my gastric and I have difficulty breathing hard and sitting down.

Basically I can't stand up straight anymore too.
Back started aching due to the weight infront of me.

CONCLUSION, nurse was saying that it would be wiser to opt for c-section since baby is smaller in built, and may even rotate during birth which makes natural birth dangerous. End up might still get an emergency c-section which will cost 1k more.

We decided to opt for C-section and it will be on week 38, which is 11 August onwards.

Looking forward.
I have another 4 weeks to sleep through my nights.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Life ~

Nothing beats seeing them sleeping peacefully like this. :)

Was looking at some old photos mum dug out, and baby lee looks some what like my younger days. Round nose, round eyes, and round face.

My elder brother and I. Yes, the one on the right is me.

Is it still good for baby lee to look like me?
Hmm........ LOL!

Saturday, 12 July 2014


Bump Of The Day 
"That's Awesome"

Meet up with my favorite girl, YUHUI!!!
She was so excited to see my bump, and obviously it grew ALOT! I've gained 12 kg so far and baby is growing well. She felt slight kicks, or rather more like a lump, on my tummy where Baby Lee supports her leg. 

Baby Lee is a good girl today. I manage to eat quite an amount!

We were talking about life and realized how grown up we were now. Shopping no longer mean anything to us and we barely needs anything else. We don't go around buying everything we see anymore. Probably age did some magic, we are moving on to the bigger ticket item, like a house.

Hubbs and I agreed that Yui felt grown up, I wonder if it's the hairstyle or her dress. Or maybe, getting married and signing that piece of paper magically made a person change. Change as in, the heart settled down and we no longer face life alone.

I feel old ever since I got married. I don't know if any one else felt the same, but I see the word "OLD" on my face. Now, having Baby bean in my tummy makes me walk like a grandma, sit like a grandma, sleep like a grandma, and wear like one. 

But, nope I am not regretting my actions. Just feel that life experiences really can make one grow. So before I end my day, Hubbs and I took some Polaroid so that I can punch them into the baby's album for keepsake purpose.

I'm 27th, and Hubb's 33.
We will be real parents in one month's time.

That sums up, and I secretly entered into my 27th year of life, a new beginning, a new form of happiness. I hope Baby Lee will grow up well and healthy! :)

Friday, 11 July 2014


11 July 2014
27th Me.

33 Weeks 2 Days
47 Days to EDD

Hubbs and I, together with my Dad and Mum went to Crystal Jade for dinner. It's been a while since we had dinner together cuz everyone comes back at different timings.

I was surprised baby bought a long a bouquet of sunflowers for me.

<3 <3 <3

The flowers reminds me of our wedding and it's kinda heart warming although many many times I told him not to spend money on flowers because it eventually will die off, but his randomness brought some good memories for us back. How sweet of him !<3

I have nothing in particular to wish for except everyone around me to be in good health. 
World Peace. ^^V

Niki and Winter are still staying with me, (I didn't abandon them!)
I've been spending the whole day with them everyday, for the past 7 months. And I'm sure they are so happy with it until a point, maybe they find me irritating. I wake them up from their nap and insist to play with them. hahaha..... 

Here, Winter insisted to sleep on my big tummy, with his big tummy.
And baby Xuan keeps kicking from inside.

Happy Birthday To Me.

Monday, 7 July 2014

Prenatal Massage @ Bella Luna

Count Down: 50 Days to meet our lil' Princess <3


I'm getting rounder. 


Located at Tras Street, along the stretch where My Dream Wedding sits.

It's a small massage place which provides spa and massage services targeting at pregnant mums. To be frank, the environment is quiet enough and relaxing. Furnished with contemporary style at the holding area. 

We waited for around 15 mins while filing up a personal data form, and was brought to a couple room shortly.

The lady whom brought us in told us that the room will be slightly cramp because the larger ones are already taken up. Hmm.... Monday noon, 4pm and the rooms are taken up. Seems like this is a place for rich people who didn't need to work, on a Monday?

No idea.
So we were being led into a room with two massage beds, like any other usual massage place.

I have not much comments on the massage except they did a good shoulder massage for me.

My therapist fall asleep halfway.

Anyway, after the massage, we were brought to the 'consultation room'. And they tried selling us 10 session for home visits of Post natal massage, plus wrap and slimming session blah blah blah blah.... 

Sorry I wasn't listening as nothing really impresses me.
But thanks for the offer, this 1-hour Prenatal Massage was $28.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

32 Weeks (Appointment)

No photos today coz baby is squashed up and, nothing is clear.
She had her hand on half her face, and umbilical cord all over the place.
We will see her in about 8 weeks.

Currently she sits at 1.77kg, smaller scale than usual but still within the range.
Doctor has finally confirmed that she can go on natural birth!

Next appointment in two weeks time!

Before we met the gynae, I was telling hubbs that maybe we should just go ahead with C-section so that we won't need to worry when the water bag will break etc. Hubbs says it's all up to me. And I was so confident that baby is still in breech position.

But the moment the ultra scan starts, the first thing gynae mention was "Baby has turned!" and my heart sank!!! And I started to panic, literally. I can feel the blood rushing into my heart and thumping very hard. But then again, I have told hubbs before that, if baby is good for natural, we will allow her to choose her own birth date. So, I MUST fulfill what I have said!

So, no matter how painful it will be, IT WILL PASS!
Feeling so determined, I told myself too that the pain will only last for at most 24 hours.


Friday, 27 June 2014

Anger Management

I need.

Have been frustrated easily recently on little things especially when some one drinks (and finishes) my green tea in the fridge!!! And, finishing Ribena at the same time.... AND I HAVE NOTHING TO DRINK!


Saturday, 21 June 2014

30 Weeks 3 Days

Pre-pregnancy Weight: 55kg
Current Weight 63kg ~ 64kg
Total weight gained so far: 9kg.

Little Chloe kicks A.L.O.T.
Her kicks are strong and getting stronger, feels as if she wants to rip my tummy apart. Sorry darling, I don't blame you cuz I know you're feeling so cramp inside.

67 days to go, (approx 10 weeks), I'm in my 30th Week now.

So far I have not feel baby turning down.
According to source (BabyCentre) baby will gain weight fast. Lungs and digestive tract are nearly mature and she's probably been able to open and shut her eyes. She can see light!

Gaining 450g a week is quite normal during the last three months. 
Now is her final growth spurt before she's born.

I still have 10 weeks to go, means another 4.5kg???

Anyway, some updates.
Next gynae appointment is in two weeks time, and by then if baby still not engaged (head down), then c-section is the next option. I told hubb that I'm ok as long as baby is healthy and born well. I don't wanna risk being in an emergency operation if I insist on natural birth.

Sleep is going fine ever since I changed my position. Now the fan is blowing on my face directly! Unhealthy I know, but I'm too warm to fall asleep.Good days will be me falling asleep before baby wakes up. Her movements kept me awake. But when I'm in sleep, I don't really bother much unless she is partying inside.

 I do not wake up to pee (yet) but my friends that is due in August, are waking up to visit the loo quite frequently. I must say I have a big bladder. Or I might not have drank enough fluid. Any way, things are still fine. 

I started develop one small stretched mark (less than 1 cm la). 
How amazing!

I have really bad appetite. Really bad. I feel pukish again at times, especially to certain food on random basis. Fishy smells turns me off totally and if affected my mood directly and indirectly. I need medicated oil. 

Due to the weather and the increasing weight, and the heat within myself, I am almost getting frustrated with small stuff easily. But I'm still cool. I can control my temper. Just don't feel very good in my heart, but I keep reminding myself that it's due to the weather and I shouldn't express my anger on the people I love.

The weather is killing me!
Nose bleed two days ago. How heaty I am!

Lastly, I still have a long list of items to prepare for baby's arrival.
And my hospital bag ~ ~ ~

Monday, 16 June 2014

Wedding Photos

Notice I did not publish any wedding photos publicly.
Suddenly missing that period when I'm so busy arranging for our wedding stuff, photos and running around searching high and low for the snack bar and etc.

Suddenly all these became so-far-away memory.

Such a waste that Niki and Winter couldn't join us for this photoshoot.

And, looking back at these photos, I notice how slim I was back then........ COMPARING TO NOW.

After being single for a while, finally promoted to someone's wife, now a housewife, and going to be a mum in two month's time. How time flies. Wonder if I can do a good job in educating our child. 

Looking forward.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Things No One Told You About Big Tummy

I really need to pen this down.

As baby bean gets bigger, she kicks and digs around, and it CAN be felt. Especially. At. Night.

I can't sleep. 

But I'm one of the lucky ones whom didn't need to work, so I can take a nap during noon time.

But you know that awful feeling when you're so so tired but can't sleep? Niki, Winter and hubb slept like nobody's business and there I am, counting sheep. 

Another thing is SHOWER . 

I haven't been able to wash my feet lately.

Wearing clothes became a chore. Too.

All due to the bulging tummy.

It really felt like carrying a watermelon. I can't move too fast as the tummy will swing - literally. No you can't see it, but I can feel it inside. I can't bend down to pick things up (have to squat, which is super ugly). I can't cross my legs when I sit. I can't slouch, it will press down onto the bladder which is super uncomfortable.

So, baby, I'm looking forward to your arrival and all these will go back in place.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

28 Weeks (Appointment)

Officially 7th Month Old. :)
Can you see the face?
Baby is happily moving and kicking, opening and closing her mouth during the scan. Eyes look big and nose quite long ah! And from the scan, she look quite chubby and maybe have a longer face (unlike my round face)! Can't wait to see her in two months' time!

Time passes, quickly, yet slowly.

Anyway, baby bean sitting at 1.2kg, good growth, and have not turned downwards yet. Gynae mentioned that we have one more month to go, if she doesn't rotate, C-section we will go.

Hubbs asked what changes during the pass one month for the good growth (last month she was smaller in size), and I told him "Lunch!" ... Yes I've been skipping lunch in the past coz appetite didn't pick up. So we ordered tingkat (lunch catering) everyday and I was somewhat forced to eat. 

Be good girl, little one. Please grow well!

Some updates; 
Tummy is getting heavier and bulkier, sleeping became a problem since I have two monkeys fighting to sleep beside me every night. They both like squeezing with me hoping I will cuddle them to sleep. Major headache. But anyway, since I'm not working (fortunately!) I get to rest during the day.

Not much cravings still, but I tend to snack more on chips and crackers. Love sweet stuff as usual, yogurt to replace ice creams now.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Another Baby Fair

I want to stab myself.
But it's ok, just another two months to go.

For memory's sake, here's a super ballooned me.

When water retention steps in, you can't do anything but to drink more water, AND DON'T WEAR MATERNITY CLOTHES!!!

Went to the baby fair and got the mattress for the baby cot. (FINALLY I FOUND!!!) And got some diaper samples for newborn. Here's my collection of stuff till date (excluding baby cot)

TADAA~ More to come in July.